Don’t stress about school fees! Use your Alinma credit card to cover school and university fees and study supplies by paying just the minimum amount of the transaction, with a six-month waiver on finance charges.
This plan makes it easy to manage your school and study expenses, requiring only 5% of the transaction amount as the minimum payment. The remaining balance can be paid off in the final month. “on the sevenths moth”
Terms and Conditions:
- This program applies only to Alinma credit cards and Al Fursan cards, and does not apply to monthly debit or prepaid cards.
- Offer is from starting from 5 to 30 September 2024
- Customers can use their available credit limit to access the installment plan.
- The minimum transaction eligible to the installment offer is SAR 1,000.
- The merchant is solely responsible for all obligations and liabilities related to the supply of goods or services or for any defects or damages, with no liability on the bank.
- The customer must complete the installment period as agreed with the bank. The customer has the right to cancel the service during the plan period and request early settlement. According to Credit cards terms and conditions.
- Each credit card account can utilize up to 4 installment plans.
- The transaction must not yet paid by the customer.
- The offer applies to all merchants classified under education and schools. Alinma Bank is not responsible for any incorrect merchant classification by the merchant’s bank.
- Alinma Bank reserves the right to modify or change the terms and conditions of the offer.
How to Apply:
Call our contact center at 8001208000.
For example, with a 6-month installment plan at a 0% annual percentage rate, you can finance purchases of SAR 6000 using your Alinma credit card.
Purchase 6,000 SAR | Pay 5% Minimum due at 0% percentage rate |
1st month payment | SAR 300 |
2nd month payment | SAR 300 |
3rd month payment | SAR 300 |
4th month payment | SAR 300 |
5th month payment | SAR 300 |
6th month payment | SAR 300 |
7th month payment | SAR 4200* + 2.5% |
*If the remaining amount of the transaction is not paid, it will be subject to monthly finance profit rate 2.5% according to the terms and conditions of the Alinma credit card.