Employer Enrollment Platform

Employer Enrollment Platform

Business Enrollment is now easier than ever!


Our customers are our priority... we always strive to provide them with the best and fastest banking experience

Our "Business Enrollment Platform", is a digital platform that allows business owners to register their Business in the approved entities list with Alinma Bank to provide financing services to their employees.

Apply now to provide us with information about your Business in order for us to easily offer you with customized financial solutions that fit your employees needs


Apply Now


Benefits of Digital Enrolment
  • Fast and easy, simply fill out the form
  • Adding the Business to the list of approved employers in the bank to finance employees.
  • Special and exclusive Alinma Bank products offers for individuals, including credit cards, personal and real estate financing, car financing and a lot more.
  • Promotional visit at your work premises by our team to provide your employees with the best financial solutions.


Request Steps
  • Our Team will review your submission and response in 3 business days
  • Upon approval, you will be informed of successful enrolment
  • Now, Your employees can enjoy Alinma Bank products and services through our sales channels


Enroll Now

For more information and details, please contact us through businessacquisitionoperations@Alinma.com